What Grief looks like. 

It’s loud, and it’s quiet. It comes in waves, and can knock us down when we least expect it.

High Functioning … 

What does it mean to be High Functioning? We hear this term “High Functioning” quite a bit when it comes to anxiety, depression, addiction, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD…

Burning the Candle at Both Ends

Burning the candle at both ends.  Your alarm bursts to life at 6am each morning you hit snooze and roll over, but the amount of sleep you are getting never seems to be enough. You wake up exhausted no matter how early you go to bed. No amount of caffeine seems to do the job […]

Finding Red Flags in Your Therapist

Finding Red Flags in Your Therapist It is a growing trend – a meme even – to call out red flags. Red flags in people, red flags in relationships, red flags in strangers, in situations. You name it, people are throwing out red flags, for things as silly as how a person cuts their sandwich […]

Finding Time For Self-Care

This list has tasks that can take as little as a couple of minutes to as much as a day. Self-care is not meant to be a chore or to be stressful, and it also is not one size fits all. It doesn’t have to be complicated, we hope this list can make it less so.